Hello again from Petra Rocks My World! I want to congratulate the two winners of the Petra Rocks My World! email newsletter sign-up contest: Plinio Sousa won the Revival CD and DVD; and Karen Lyons won the John Lawry "Media Alert" album. Thanks to everyone who participated!

There's lots of exciting stuff happening, both at the website and for the band. One important project for PRMW is just beginning, and I need your help: It's a project to translate the site into multiple languages. You'll learn more about why I want to do this and how you can help in the "Site Update" section of this newsletter.

Until next time,

P.S. -- Please forward this newsletter to your friends so they can learn what's new in the world of Petra!

Petra news

Upcoming concerts

Lake Buena Vista, FL
Night of Joy 2002
Walt Disney World

Chaska, MN
Grace Gibson Found.
6 p.m.

Helena, AR
Phillips Community College

» More concert info

Petra recently played a show in Kirksville, MO, which I attended. The band really rocked and played quite a long set. After the show I talked briefly with John Schlitt about the upcoming Night of Joy performances, as well as the next album.

John said the band had been practicing with Bob Hartman, who will perform with them at Night of Joy. John predicted that Petra's two performances at Night of Joy would rock hard. "You saw how we played tonight," he said. "Imagine how good it will be with two amazing guitar players instead of one." Night of Joy is this weekend, Sept. 7 and 8.

» For more info: http://www.petrarocksmyworld.com/nightofjoy-rev.html

As soon as Night of Joy is finished, John said all five members of the band would get together to make decisions regarding Petra's next album. He said that right now they have heard feedback from fans and industry people suggesting either a rock album or another praise album. John said if they did another praise album, they would make sure it had a lot of rock content. If you haven't contacted Petra to make your feelings known, you should! Let them know what you'd like to see on the next Petra album.

Site update

I need YOUR help as Petra Rocks My World! begins to fulfill a dream I've had for a long time.

It's not an accident that I call the website "Petra Rocks My WORLD!" -- Petra really does have fans in every country. For several years, now, I have wanted to translate my site into different languages so it can be more of a blessing to people who don't understand English, and so it can help increase Petra's ministry. I've made some changes in recent months to prepare for this project, and now I am ready to begin.

Here's the plan: I want to focus on translating into three languages first: Spanish, Portuguese, and German. These are the three most common languages (besides English) of visitors to my site.

Are you able to translate any of these three languages into English? If so, please contact me. We can discuss how you can help.

If you are interested in helping to translate PRMW into some other language, please contact me, also.

» To become a volunteer translator, email Josh: Josh's contact form

OTHER PRMW NEWS: The "Petra Rocks The World!" Community is now online. This Community is a great place to interact with other Petra fans from all over. The Community offers a messageboard with multiple topics, polls, profiles, and more. It also has real-time chat, instant messaging, a calendar, and connectivity with AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, and MSN Messenger. If you're looking for a place to discuss Petra or get your questions answered, this is it. If you're looking for a cool place to hang out and meet some new friends, this is it, too!

» Visit the new community: http://www.petrarocksmyworld.com/yabbse/

ALSO: My photos and review of the Kirksville, MO Petra concert are online now. Check them out!

» Concert review and photos: http://www.petrarocksmyworld.com/kirksville-rev.html

Fine print

» If you have received this newsletter in error, I apologize. Simply reply to this email with the words "remove me" in the subject line and you will be removed from the mailing list.

» If you received a copy of this newsletter from a friend and would like to have it emailed directly to you, please sign up at: http://www.petrarocksmyworld.com/join_email_list.html

Petra Rocks My World is a Petra fan website, built BY a fan FOR fans all over the world. The site and this newsletter are not affiliated with Petra, the band members, or inpop Records.

This newsletter is copyright © 2002, Josh Renaud
For more information, please visit the website at: